Want to be more beautiful instantly? Then the quickest thing you can do is to change your mindset. Working on your inner beauty – how you feel inside – will enhance your overall attraction to others. Dr. Bassichis and our amazing aesthetic staff suggest the following:
- SURROUND YOURSELF WITH BEAUTY: This has a calming effect on the mind. Art, nature, God, your lovely family…whatever you find beautiful.
- PRACTICE RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS: Do something for others – this will make you feel better about yourself.
- SET ACHIEVABLE GOALS: When we accomplish things, this is a source of self-esteem.
- HAVE A LAUGH: Go to comedy clubs, read humorous books, see funny friends.
- GIVE TO OTHERS: Try voluntary work.
- LOVE AND BE LOVED: Appreciate and make the most of all your relationships.
- BE AFFIRMATIVE: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Tell yourself regularly: ‘I am beautiful. I am smart. I deserve to be happy.’ You’ll be surprised how this can lift your mood. A confident, positive, good mood can be contagious as well!
- BE THANKFUL: An appreciative attitude is a lovely one.
- BE HEALTHY: Eat well, don’t smoke, exercise. Your healthy insides will be reflected outside.
- COME TO ADVANCED: It would be our pleasure to take wonderful care of you!
Beautifully yours,
Drs. Michelle and Benjamin Bassichis
Benjamin Bassichis MD FACS is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Dallas, Texas specializing exclusively in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face. To learn more about Dr. Bassichis’s plastic surgery procedures please call (972) 774-1777 to schedule your consultation.