When “Lisa” decided to get Botox Cosmetic and Restylane one year after delivering her second child, she had no idea she was embarking her “mommy makeover.” She just knew she wanted her old self back. “Before children, I still felt like a girl,” she says. “After birthing, breastfeeding, and caring for two kids, I felt […]
Read MoreAt the Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center, we invite you to make your surgery as healthy an experience as possible. Although you can be assured that Dr. Bassichis and his staff will take excellent care of you throughout the entire surgical process, there are many things that you can do as the patient to facilitate […]
Read MoreDo you love self tanner? Here at ADVANCED we actually have a love-hate relationship with the stuff. Yes, sunless tanners are the ultimate healthy alternative to baking on a lounge chair by the pool sans sunscreen (horror) or indoor tanning beds (horror of horrors!), but many studies indicate that people who use self-tanners may still […]
Read MoreThe decision to have any kind of plastic surgery shouldn’t be entered into lightly, as an elective alteration to your face or body is a serious medical matter. From Botox injections to eyelid surgery to full facelifts, when choosing the right physician for your facial care, trust, training, and skill are everything. Our faces represent […]
Read MoreLike magic, our state-of-the-art PhotoFacial treatments utilize Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Technology to improve sun-damaged skin, brown spots, pigmented lesions, and even out the skin tone. Zap zap zap, and the brown spots flake and literally fall off revealing healthy smooth evenly pigmented skin. Because the top layer of the skin is unharmed by this […]
Read MoreREVEAL re·veal [ri-veel] verb 1. to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret. 2. to lay open to view; display; exhibit. noun 3. an act or instance of revealing; revelation; disclosure. 4. a post-operative patient seeing their fabulous facial plastic surgery results for the first time 5. the highly acclaimed BLOG of Drs. Michelle […]
Read MoreWith any plastic surgery, Dallas patients want a team of experienced professionals who prioritize their well-being and safety. At ADVANCED Facial Plastic Surgery, patients receive this type of support as well as high-quality, natural-looking results. Read on to learn about the benefits our practice offers. Focus and Skill With a typical provider of plastic surgery, […]
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