Can a Facelift Improve the Appearance of Sagging Cheeks and Jowls?

Middle Aged Model Touching Mid Finger to Cheek

Losing the firmness of our cheeks and gaining jowls is an unfortunate product of aging. As we hit our 40s or 50s, our facial features shift and may leave us nearly unrecognizable when we look in the mirror. A facelift tightens up the skin and removes fat to help you regain your youthful appearance, addressing unwanted features such as sagging cheeks and jowls.

Contouring the Chin and Neck

Jowls are on the top of the list of concerns when Dallas patients come in for a facelift consultation. This sagging skin and fat hangs from the chin and neck hiding the natural contours of your face and making many patients very self-conscious. While a facelift traditionally focuses on lifting the middle third of the face, Dallas facial plastic surgeon Dr. Bassichis considers a patient’s entire facial anatomy. This includes revealing the natural shape of your face by removing unwanted fat and skin that cause jowls.

This move toward individualized treatment focuses on your specific problems. Rather than simply lifting the tissue, Dr. Bassichis will evaluate where to apply his advanced surgical techniques for a result that takes at least ten years off your face.

Restoring Firmness to Cheeks

Sagging cheeks are the result of excess skin and a loss of volume. A facelift will tighten the skin but not restore the firmness of your cheeks. For smooth and supple cheeks, Dr. Bassichis recommends treatment with injectable fillers or fat injections.

Injectable fillers work by replacing naturally occurring hyaluronic acid for firmer skin. Fat injections replace fat that has shifted down with new fat from your own body. Both techniques leave patients with more natural results by completely restoring the skin’s volume.

To schedule your facelift consultation, call our Dallas office at 972.774.1777.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254