Day By Day Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery Guide

Are you considering an upper blepharoplasty to address extra skin and tissue that hangs over the eyelids, revitalize your appearance, or improve your vision? Before you schedule your procedure, take a look at Dr. Bassichis’s day-by-day upper blepharoplasty recovery guide to better understand what you might experience in the 10 days following your surgery. Also, be sure to check out Nessa’s recovery journey on TikTok to envision real-patient blepharoplasty results!


Immediately After Surgery

Immediately after your upper blepharoplasty procedure, it is normal to experience swelling, tightness, and discomfort around the eyes. You may also experience blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and gritty, watery, dry, or itchy eyes.

Depending on the blepharoplasty technique Dr. Bassichis uses, small stitches will be present along the incision lines, typically hidden in the natural creases of the eyelids. These are usually removed within 5-7 days unless dissolvable sutures are used.

Day 1 Post Op

On day 1 of your blepharoplasty recovery, you will likely experience some swelling and mild bruising around the eyes. Additionally, you may be prescribed eye drops and medication, which could affect your vision. This is normal and to be expected. Dr. Bassichis recommends keeping your head elevated and applying a cold compress to reduce swelling.

Day 2 Post Op

Swelling and bruising around the eye are typically at their peak on day 2 of blepharoplasty recovery. You may experience some tightness and tenderness around the eyes, as well as some sensitivity to light, but this is normal.

To minimize discomfort and reduce swelling, Dr. Bassichis recommends you continue applying cold compresses, avoid rubbing or touching your eyes, and take short, gentle walks to increase circulation (but avoid strenuous exercise).

Day 3 Post Op

Depending on your individual recovery process, swelling may be at its peak on day 3 post op. This is normal. Bruising may also be significant but should begin to subside. You may also begin to notice some itchiness and dryness around the incisions—this is to be expected as part of the healing process.

To keep your surgical site moist and promote optimal healing, Dr. Bassichis recommends you continue applying the prescribed ointment as directed.

Day 4 Post Op

On day 4 post op, you should start feeling more comfortable as you move through your blepharoplasty recovery. Swelling should continue subsiding, any bruising you may have should start to fade, and the tightness in your eyelids should begin to ease.

Continue following your surgeon’s recovery plan to promote optimal healing. In some cases, your doctor may recommend introducing warm compresses to increase blood flow and reduce bruising.

Day 5 Post Op

Day 5 of your eyelid surgery recovery will likely be similar to day 4, though you may see an improvement in swelling, bruising, and tightness around the eyes. You may also notice your incisions becoming less red.

Depending on your individual recovery, you may feel well enough to return to non-strenuous work. Just be sure to consult with Dr. Bassichis before doing so. Additionally, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harsh lights and direct sunlight.

Day 6 Post Op

By day 6 of blepharoplasty recovery, it is common to see a significant reduction in swelling. Your eyelids may still feel tight or dry, but the overall appearance of your eyes should improve. At this point in your upper eyelid surgery recovery, Dr. Bassichis may recommend cleaning your incisions with water and a mild cleanser.

Day 7 Post Op

Day 7 post-blepharoplasty is when many feel like celebrating their progress! You should see a dramatic improvement in swelling and bruising, with your upper blepharoplasty results beginning to peek through. One-week post op is typically when sutures are removed, unless you received dissolvable ones. If this is the case, they should be nearly dissolved by this point.

Additionally, while you should still avoid strenuous exercise, your surgeon may recommend you implement some light activity, like walking, which can help accelerate healing. If you go outside, continue wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes and surgical site.

Day 8 Post Op

On day 8, your eyes may still be slightly swollen, but most visible bruising should be gone. Any tightness, dryness, or tenderness around the eyes should be minimal. At this point in your blepharoplasty recovery, Dr. Bassichis may give you the green light to start wearing makeup, which may be helpful in concealing any residual bruising or discoloration.

Day 9 Post Op

Your eyes should look remarkably better by day 9 compared to the first week post-blepharoplasty. You may still see some slight swelling or redness around the incisions, but by now, most patients will feel comfortable and ready to resume their normal routine.

Day 10 Post Op

By day 10 of your blepharoplasty recovery, the majority of swelling, bruising, tightness, and redness should be resolved. At this stage, your eyes will appear more refreshed, but the final results of your surgery will become more visible over the next few weeks.

Continue following Dr. Bassichis’s post-operative instructions to optimize your blepharoplasty outcome, but avoid vigorous activities until he gives you the all clear.

Learn More About Upper Blepharoplasty in Dallas, Texas

If you would like to learn more about getting upper blepharoplasty with Dr. Bassichis in Dallas, Texas, please get in touch with the Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center and schedule a consultation. Like Nessa, with Dr. Bassichis’ expertise and care, you can achieve your aesthetic goals, including revitalizing your appearance, eliminating excess skin, or improving your visual fields.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254