Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins are tiny superficial veins just beneath the skin often radiating out from a central point, reminiscent of the shape of a spider. They may also appear as fine, separate lines, as a web-like maze, or as branches from a single trunk of a tree-shaped form. Spider veins can develop on any part of the body, including the face, thighs, calves, and ankles.
Although their exact cause is unknown, it is known that spider veins are related to abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. Other factors causing spider veins include any condition or activity that puts pressure on leg veins (e.g., gaining weight and sitting or standing for long periods of time), pregnancy, injury in the affected area, taking medications that affect hormones (such as birth control pills), age, sun overexposure, and a family history of spider veins.
Advanced technology in laser treatments can effectively treat spider veins. At the Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center, we accomplish laser ablation of spider veins using our state-of-the-art lasers. The laser is used to selectively target and destroy the red coloration of the spider veins without damaging the surrounding skin and tissue. After treatment, the skin can be noticeably more uniform and natural in appearance. Most skin types and colors can be safely and effectively treated with our lasers.
Dr. Bassichis and our licensed laser technicians will be happy to design a customized laser regimen to treat your spider veins.