Dr Bassichis Non Surgical Procedures

KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment to destroy excess fat in the submental area below the chin. It is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. The number of Kybella treatments that you require varies based on your desired chin profile.  Kybella can help people achieve a younger leaner look, as a result of a more balanced facial appearance.

We invite you to come in for a complimentary consultation to see if Kybella can improve your facial and neck appearance.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254