Septoplasty Dallas

Septoplasty surgery by Dr. Bassichis is a surgical procedure designed to realign and straighten the bone and cartilage dividing the space between your two nostrils, or “septum”. A crooked septum, known as a deviated septum, can cause difficulty breathing through your nose, which can negatively affect quality of sleep and the ability to breathe during physical activity. It can also lead to poor drainage of nasal fluids, which increases the risk of sinus infections. During Septoplasty surgery, Dr. Bassichis will carefully reposition the nasal septum to the proper position in the middle of the nose. Once a Septoplasty is healed, patients find it much easier to breathe through their nose and find that their quality of life improves immensely.
If you find that you are experiencing symptoms associated with a deviated septum, such as difficulty breathing through your nose, Septoplasty surgery may be right for you. In some instances, Septoplasty surgery can be considered as medically necessary by some insurance companies. At your complimentary consultation, our double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Bassichis, will perform a nasal scope to analyze the interior formation of your nasal cavity and will discuss with you whether Septoplasty surgery would benefit you and your quality of life.