Will Rhinoplasty Affect My Smile?

Rhinoplasty DallasSometimes, Dallas men and women who consult with Dr. Bassichis about getting rhinoplasty surgery ask if the procedure will negatively affect their smile. After all, these residents still want to be able to show off their pearly whites every time someone makes them laugh or makes them happy! The reason for this concern, however, is valid. Since rhinoplasty surgery takes place so close to your upper lip, some who desire a nose job are concerned that they will have a stiff upper lip following their surgery, and be unable to smile the natural, normal way they used to before they had their procedure.

Thankfully, when you choose to work with double-board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bassichis of Dallas’ Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery, you don’t have to worry about this complication.* That’s because Dr. Bassichis has years of experience performing nose jobs, and he has the skill and technique to make sure he doesn’t interfere with your lip muscles.*

A Note About Your Recovery Time

While rhinoplasty patients don’t have to worry about long-term effects on their smile prior to surgery, it’s important to remember that nose jobs do have a recovery time period. Immediately after your surgery, you may notice that you have a less profound smile than usual. This is normal and to be expected, because your body is healing. Within a week or two of your surgery, however, any numbness that you feel on your nasal tip and upper lip should go away, and you can smile like normal!

A Special Note to Those Choosing Rhinoplasty for Nostril Reduction

Some Dallas residents specifically want a nose job because they feel their nostrils are too large for and unproportionate to the rest of their face. While Dr. Bassichis works diligently with these patients to help them achieve their desired results, he also takes a conservative approach. That’s because flaring nostrils are a natural side effect of many facial expressions, including smiling, and he wants your future smiles to look natural.

Sharing Your Questions with Dr. Bassichis

Whether you’re worried that rhinoplasty will affect your smile, or result in some other undesirable side effect, Dr. Bassichis encourages you to ask all your questions – even if you think they are silly – during your consultation with him. He’s there to help explain the nose job procedure to you and make sure you are completely certain you want to proceed before you are booked for a surgery day. So don’t be afraid – fire those questions away!

Schedule a Consultation at Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center Today

At our practice, all we do are facial plastic surgeries and non-invasive facial features. It’s our niche! If you are considering rhinoplasty for one of the varieties of reasons it is performed – from cosmetic reasons to functional reasons, Dr. Bassichis is among the best plastic surgeons to perform your procedure.

To schedule your consultation, simply call our Dallas office today. We can be reached at (972) 774-1777.

*Individual Results May Vary.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254